Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment. Rita Mae Brown
Seven mistakes! If I were to reminisce the things I did in my trip to Malaysia, there are seven things I am contemplating to re-do, or shall I say, I have 7 "should have's". Possibly, there are more than this number, but it is only 7 that I am willing to confess, if you know what I mean.Count down please . . .One. I should have checked out the promotions offered on Malaysian trips. My credit card company was giving 22% discount for the air fare, just travel Malaysian Airlines. Wow, and to think that I can pay the bill a month after. Sayang! (Sayang is a feeling of regret.)Two. I should have just bought a SIM card at Malaysia so I can at least contact anybody there, my friend or a taxi driver. Well, the rest of you may not have this problem, but I did. I did not respect the need for communication. There was this instance when I went on my sight-seeing trip. It took me hours enjoying my time there, but I can't contact my taxi driver because my cellphone was useless in Malaysia. I brought it just for taking photos. I wanted to extend my stay there but we have to meet up at 3 pm. I was also to meet my friend at 6 pm for dinner and I can't move the appointment because no useful phone at hand. And you know what happened, my friend showed up at 10 pm. Hu, hu, hu. Sayang!Three. I should have exchanged more ringgits. This is easy to explain. I wanted to buy some good stuff but no ringgits available, just peso. I was trying to stay on the budget but come to think of it . . . Sayang!Four. I should have bought the items I liked at an instant when I saw them. It's okay to take a moment to think but buy them at the same day, right there. I did not do just that, and the consequence? I was not able to return to the place to buy it. Sayang!Five. Good that I brought just enough clothing. I packed light to have space for the things I was able to buy. I had comfortable footwear, great, but I should have brought a good handbag . . . bag that is easy to bring along when walking and climbing and riding, etc. You know what would have been perfect? A bag that will allow things to get organized inside it, despite the stashing of papers and different items in it , would have been perfect. It is helpful to have one that will not allow the things inside to slide outside or else Sayang! Six. I should have made the best of the night life. I was afraid of the being outside the house at night. My curfew for myself was 11 PM. I got tired going from one place to another, everyday. I really had to rest, but maybe not, right. Why sleep?Seven. I should have brought my lap tap to save my photos and be able to send e-mail. I work faster and with much ease using my own gadgets. I was thinking the lap tap is heavy and that I may not need it. However, during the fight, looking around inside the plane, a number of the passengers do carry their lovable machines with them. Also, it is another medium of communication aside from the cellphone, right?Seven Plus?I should have flown to my friend in Miri. Going to Miri is a two-and-a-half plane ride, but then again, that may have been a bad idea. It may require much time and effort and usually, people are busy during weekdays. Can't just drop by on such short notice. (How I planned my trip to Malysia, the things I did right). But you know what? I still enjoyed my trip to Malaysia, in spite of all my "should have's ". Life is what we make of it! (Tourist attractions visited: Safari, Genting, Malacca City, Batu Caves, A' Famosa, Melaka)Malaysia, it is a place where my dream came true.About MalaysiaYou may want to share some travel tips with me. That would be great!
"If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair."
- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) British lexiographer. 
My dear friend, yes, I could not have had this trip if not for my dear friend, whom I have not seen for a while but have kept in contact with, now and then. And what do you know, she is based in Malaysia, now and then too, way to go! (How I decided to go to Malaysia).My last sight-seeing venture was allotted to what I considered my best. You would like it there too because others did, especially those who went with kids.My favorite site was Malacca (or Melaka). One day, however, was surely not enough to cover all grounds, if I may say. Looking at the bright side, at least I got a taste of historical Malaysia and was able to join the Safari tour at A' Famosa. Goody!
I went to Malacca on my own in a taxi, or should we say teksi (Malaysian). It took me about 90 minutes from Kuala Lumpur to my destination. It is worth the drive. On my way there, I got to see beautiful palm trees lined up at the side of the road. Loved the scenery.The taxi driver, Jack, and I were engaging in some chitchat once in a while. He was feeding me with local stories and a little of history. He was sharing profiles of his former customers and where they went, in case I was interested. He is cool guy, Jack. He is not a pain when he talked for he knew when he needed to stop so we can have silence, as I inhaled the view before me as he was driving.I kept on looking at the lines and lines of dark green palm trees on hilly land at the sides of the road and the wide blue sky above. It was about 9 am and no glare of the sun. The weather was cool for it was drizzling.I was telling Jack that I am worried I may not enjoy the Safari because of the rain. It was actually raining at Kuala Lumpur. I had to bring a very large umbrella, which of course I left with Jack. I do not want to carry much while walking. He assured me that it won't be so, no rain when we get to Melaka, and he was right.At A' Famosa, I had my very own Safari moments.
(Tourist attractions visited: Genting, Malacca City, Batu Caves, A' Famosa, Melaka)About Malaysia

The Menara Taming Sari is one of the known tourist attractions in Malaysia. It was made available to the public in 2008. It is a revolving tower which can be seen from afar, for it looms at 110 meters high. It was one of the great sites I visited aside from the Petronas Twin Towers in the heart of Kuala Lumpur (where Suria is housed) and Menara KL.Menara Taming Sari is located at Bandar Hilir, beside Dataran Pahlawan Megamall. The structure was built using Swiss technology. It is the very first of its kind in Malaysia. Its revolving observation cabin is fully air-conditioned and provides a fantastic 360-degree view of the entire city of Malacca.Malacca is known for its being a historical place in Malaysia, rich with stories and traces of Portuguese influence.The cool viewing cabin is equipped with 80 seats. It revolves as it rises from ground level to the top of the tower. Each viewing session would be less than 10 minutes. The tower serves about a couple of viewing sessions every hour. The visitors get to enjoy a breathtaking view of the wonderful city.How I love to return to Malaysia, especially at Malacca. The next time, I would like to ride the colorful rikshaw, (though I do ride the karitela and pedicabs in the Philippines) hahah.Rickshaws were a common mode of transport in urban areas of Malaysia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. However, rickshaws were gradually replaced by cycle rickshaws (beca in Malay). Cycle rickshaws were also ubiquitous up to the 1970s in Malaysian cities. Since then, rapid urbanization has increased demand for more efficient public transport, resulting in dwindling rickshaw numbers. Today, rickshaws are operated mostly as a tourist attraction, with small numbers operating in Malacca, Penang, Kelantan and Terengganu.Rickshaws (or rickshas) are a mode of human-powered transport: a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two persons. The word rickshaw came from Asia where they were mainly used as means of transportation for the social elite.Runner pulled rickshaws have mainly been replaced in Asia by bicycle rickshaws. They are also common in Western cities like New York City. In London they are known as pedicabs, and in San Diego they are called bike taxis. The term "rickshaw" is today commonly used for those vehicles as well, but this article deals exclusively with runner-pulled rickshaws.Source: Wikipedia
About Malaysia

"Jack, Jack, I am here. I am finished with my tour of this place. Where to now? But wait, can you take a picture of me as souvenir? Thanks so much Jack. Now, let's have a photo together. Ask that guy over there to take our photo.""Yes, Miss." That is how Jack responds to me. I get flattered every time he says "Miss", 'coz that's the biggest lie, hahah. I am not single and definitely not young. I flatter myself, but the truth is Jack probably addresses all the females as "Miss". Maybe he should call me "Missed" instead.Enough with that! Finally, I want you to meet Jack, my teksi (taxi) driver, tour guide, photographer, story teller, company and friend.I was touring alone, as I have repeatedly been saying. I met Jack when I wanted to go to the Genting Highlands. He is the taxi driver I got on my third day in Malaysia. He requested, without any hesitance, that I rent his teksi for the day. He continued by saying that he has children and he wanted to earn a little more. He lured me by adding that he will bring me to different places in the city. I like Jack because I can understand his English and whether his story is true or not, I felt for him so I agreed to his proposal. He was so grateful and always mentioning that "you gave me business, Miss, so I will take you to places I know you'll like and you can have your photos taken."Hmmm. Jack knew what to say, he knows my weakness was souvenir photos, the message was probably painted all over my face, an excited tourist.True to his words, we spent lots of drives together but he leaves me at my destination or just rests in his teksi until I finish my sight-seeing.My final ride in his teksi was going to the airport for my departure. At the airport, I was excited to go home. I was about to call my husband to inform him that I'll be home soon. However, as I searched my bag for my phone, I can't seem to find it. I started to panic when I realized I lost my phone. What a disaster. How do I tell my husband about this? You see, this is the second time I lost my phone. How humiliating. It also dawned unto me that all my photos were gone together with the cellphone. What a big waste of everything. No photo, no souvenir, no memories in print. How could have I lost it. I probably left it at the lobby or at my room.I remembered Jack, I have his calling card. I immediately called him and asked him to check the place where I stayed. He said okay. Then I never heard from him again.Before I was about to board the plane, I called him one last time. He announced that he found it in his teksi. I was so astonished and amazed at how things turned out. So, we made arrangements on how he is to give it to the office mate of my friend, who is to visit the Philippines the week after.Jack did his part well for I got back my I-Phone with all the photos saved in its memory. Whew! With that, I saved Jack's good deed in my memory as well. I thank God for this miracle. This has truly been a memorable trip to Malaysia. Good hearts are available here.Always do right, this will gratify some and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain
About Malaysia
Can we have a photo souvenir guys? I seemed like a kid again. Joyfully, I threw this question to my new-found friends in Malaysia. Yup, they agreed. Got that good butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling getting to know other people at a foreign country. I was alone touring the place, so having company was most welcome.I really wished I was with my family, but why ask too much. They can't make it due to my sudden decision to just go and they to have their own schedules and commitments to take care of.So, I just made the most of it, trying to converse with the sweet people, even with few English words exchanged.I discovered that happiness and excitement are indeed contagious. Meeting great people enhanced the place and my visit. Thanks!
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other. Lucian de Crescenzo
About Malaysia